While you can fly non rev (free) anywhere there is NO guarantee you will get a flight out or back- use the app wisely when looking at seating even 33 open seats can full up rather quickly in a few hours. No vacation time but you get fto days while need to be put in 24 hours in advance. Southwest Airlines Jobs & Careers - 93 Open Positions Glassdoor Southwest Airlines Overview Overview 3.9k Reviews 154 Jobs 4.3k Salaries 1.4k Interviews 1. You need to wait 6 months til you can move around with no points or occurrences. the 1800 incentive is 75 bucks on your paycheck taxed out to hardly anything. While that isn't bad, I've been paying 64 a month for that when it is supposed to be 32. You pay union dues but told you can't meet your rep til after your probation is done. You may get told to go find so and so (you have no clue who these trainers are or what they look like) at where ever they are, go there and the trainer be like "I don't feel like training today and only wanted the parking spot" so then you have to go back to the office. You may be scheduled to train in International but if no trainers available, you will put someplace else and you may find out where hours later after waiting in the breakroom. Doctors notes are accepted but will still count as an occurrence while on probation. Probation for csa is 7 months long and can only have 3 occurrences (call outs) til you're fired. Customers are allowed to hit you and such, you can't fight back. so new hires will get last pick on everything for the first 10 years or so before your seniority starts kicking in.Drama is like high school- everyone talks about everyone. And shifts, time off, and jobs are given out this way, the guy thats been there the longest gets to choose his job first than the second guy ect ect. Seniority based company, you will start at the bottom of the roster there is about 200 employees at my location. Great for money but its such a physical job be ready for the toll on your body Forced overtime is a killer on my paychecks so far I have had (49,55,43, and 51 hours of mandatory overtime. This is a union job you will have to pay union dues Management is poor at your location they let you know that your just a number they will remind you anytime your tired that there are thousands of applicants out there waiting for this job and they can fire you in a second and it wouldn't affect them at all.Īnd a few minor things that I didnt know before i started So thats great but like I said above you will have to work an extra 3.7 hours on top of that shift because thats something you do on every shift. They will tell you on you last shift before your days off that you will have to come in on your day off to help fill holes. And they will tell you during the last 30 mins or less during your shift that you have to stay.Īnd I mentioned that I had Mon and Tue off thats a lie you will be mandatory on your first day off of every week guaranteed no questions asked. If your off time was at 9PM thats when you make plans with your loved ones but then they will extend you 3.7 hours after your end time everyday. They LOVE to extend you and they will do it everyday. It sounds great at first like i get paid double time to work my normal job heck ya! So my first week after my initial training my schedule was Wednesday thru Sunday 1PM to 9PM with mon tue off it sounds straight forward and great but.